Berlin: DDR Museum Tickets

USD 15



Step into the fascinating world of East Germany's past at the DDR Museum. Explore authentically recreated rooms, where you can open cupboards and drawers to uncover hidden secrets. Get behind the wheel of a classic Trabant, an iconic symbol of the era. As you wander through the exhibits, let the sounds of East German rock music transport you back in time. And, if you're feeling energetic, why not challenge your friends to a game of football, just like the locals did back in the day?

Delve into the fascinating history of East Germany at the DDR Museum, where the past comes alive. Explore meticulous recreations of typical East German homes and gain insight into daily life under communist rule. The museum's exhibits aren't confined to glass cases; instead, they invite you to engage with them up close. Open drawers, peek into cupboards, and delve into the world of East Germany. Take a seat in a genuine Trabant, turn the key, and experience the thrill of a simulated drive through the iconic prefabricated neighborhoods, complete with the authentic sounds of the iconic car. Immerse yourself in the East German lifestyle by switching on the TV in a recreated living room and rummaging through the iconic Karat wall unit, a staple of GDR-era homes. Take in the aroma of spices on the shelf and spot the pressure cooker on the stove. Catch up on the news from the comfort of an original cinema seat or groove to the beats of Lipsi, East Germany's answer to rock 'n' roll.